October was a record-breaking month for this little blog of mine! Seems like folks are interested in the pregnancy-related posts, but other stuff was popular as well. Thanks for joining me, no matter what your fancy!
In case you missed anything, here are some highlights from my favorite October posts.
There was the post with the roasted cauliflower soup recipe, which sounded delicious as the weather turned cooler.
I can attest that this was a tasty dish, but I think y’all would be better served by giving the Mexican eggplant dish a whirl. What a yummy surprise!
Then we talked about wine for pregnant ladies. Just what the doctor ordered! Or…er, something like that.
I have since tried another bottle of Ariel. The Cabernet is still my favorite of theirs. Have you tried it yet? If so, what’s your favorite flavor?
We enjoyed all the Corgi cuteness we could possibly stand in the middle of the month. Seriously, isn’t Noah the best model ever?!
(In this picture you’ll see he’s barely a tile long. When we moved, he was 2.5 tiles! So big!! Well, he is so long. He’s still my favorite physicsly-challenged little man. Now if only he could relearn how to do the stairs…)
Next, I showed you how I’ve been able to forgo traditional medicine (for the most part) by using essential oils.
Headaches, stuffy ears, and a bloated belly are no match for these magic cures! If nothing else, I’m excited to save a little cash. The small bottles of essential oils aren’t that expensive and they last forever. Can’t say the same about my 20 pack of Sudafed!
Afterwards, I introduced you to one of my favorite ladies, my October hero, Nicole Smith, my all natural guru.
Nicole is my go-to for all things nutrition, including acceptance when I “cheat”. Though you’ll mostly catch her munching on fruits and veggies, she has been known to enjoy a SweetTart or two in her day. Her site is great for healthy, but very tasty recipes. Check it out!
And finally, we closed out the month with a yummy recipe for homemade peanut butter cups. I may or may not have made about three more batches of these little devils in the last week. YUM!!!