Holy cats. This week has been all about wacking the moles as they pop up out of their holes. Or, I guess it would be more accurate to say baby bunnies since they have taken over my backyard! Noah has turned into Kujo because they squeak just like his toys when he squeezes them and the idiot things keep coming back. Yet, just like a baby we all know, but shall remain nameless, who will not stay asleep at night (seriously, please send help!), they are so dang cute, you can’t help but be enamored.
And yet, it leaves me with no time to pontificate on the finer things in life. Instead of having fun here, I shall address lesson plans, committee to dos, and the stacks of laundry as they all pile up around me, hosing down the fires before they get out of control. In place of my wise words, let me leave you with this gift instead.
Ladies, and gentlemen, may I present to you the cutest firefighter that has ever lived.

P.S. Fun fact – Corgi is a brand of firetruck.
And you thought you weren’t going to learn anything today!