Month: October 2014
Week 5 – An Op-Ed on Homemade Pasta
I wonder if a racecar driver ever finds himself in a workshop learning about how to rebuild a BMW S54 engine* and thinks “gee, this is probably good for me to know. It will make me a better driver knowing the intricate details involved, but […]
An Open Letter to the Makers of Under the Dome
Dear Mr. King et al., Years and years from now, when I am on my death bed, I will rue the day I stumbled into that ad on Amazon Prime. You know the one. The one with the handsome Barbie doing his handsome Barbie stare […]
My Five Favorite Cookbooks of All Time
My cookbook collection is one of the things I am most proud of. I pick up a new cookbook every time I travel or am so moved. Just like regular books, I typically borrow from the library before purchasing. My rule is there has to […]
Braise Cooking School Week 4 – Should You Throw Away Your Cookbooks?
I’ve been struggling with what to write about following last week’s class on meat and seafood. Mostly, I feel I can’t just write out a description of what went down because here’s a newsflash, stewed beef and fish guts aren’t that pretty. I have some pictures […]