Grateful For Christmas Presents

A lot of blog hosts do “favorite things” posts. In the spirit of appreciation, I’ve decided to call mine the “Grateful For…” series. There are lots of things in my life to be grateful for, but I’ll just bore you with the highlights. Today’s picks are two of my favorite Christmas presents from this year.

Work boots or slippers First off, we’ve got my new “work boots”. Seriously, working from home is the coolest thing ever.

Related – this is the first time ever I’ve put my feet up on my desk. How is this considered a relaxing pose? I’m relatively flexible, but my legs don’t stretch that way! I’ll take a nice, little foot stool any day!

iPad Mini for Christmas

Folks, I have drunk the Kool-Aid. This Christmas ushered in my first Apple product and I. Am. Hooked. I can live my whole life off of this iPad mini. I have three ways to Facebook, two ways to my Google Reader, and whole apps to track my thoughts, dreams, wishes, and food intake. Oh, iPad, how I love thee.

By the way, this picture also shows you four of my many paper calendars. I seriously have an addiction. But they all have a purpose, I swear!!

What were your favorite presents to give or get this holiday season?

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