Last Friday I spent the majority of the day moving into the new kitchen and prepping for my first dinner party. Yes, we had people over about three hours after the drywall guys left for the last time. Are you really that surprised?? (Somehow, Randy was…) I thought long and hard about what to serve […]
Food and Recipes
A Perfect Day of Food
One of the many blogs I follow had this post last week – what would be your perfect day of food if calories weren’t an issue? What a fun exercise! My list discounts calories AND the amount of food one person can actually intake within a 16 hour day. Let’s forget that I’d just be […]
Feeding a Family During a Kitchen Remodel
As I write this post, there are cabinets being installed in the kitchen below me. Thank God. You know I love going out to eat, but I may turn into a Bruegger’s cinnamon raisin bagel with cream cheese (and, let’s be honest…hot chocolate) if I have to call that lunch too many more times. I’m […]
News Flash: Whole Milk Dairy Tastes Great (And Is Better For You?)
I appreciate that it does not take a rocket scientist to hypothesize that a whole milk product will taste better than a skim milk product, but when is the last time you tried it? I bought whole milk Greek yogurt for the first time last week (typically got nonfat) and my mind. was. blown. It […]
X10 Challenge Week 10: Enjoying the Journey, Not the Destination
Hello again friends! Here we are at week 10 of my weight loss challenge. I find myself one pound lighter than where I was when I started. Technically a loss, so I guess it wasn’t a complete failure, but still… blah. I think we have gone through all the stages of “ain’t gonna do it […]