
Kickstarter Lessons for Your 2014 Resolutions

Kickstarter Lessons for Your 2014 Resolutions

Happy New Year, friends!! How were your holidays? Full of good meals, photo-worthy memories, and fun football games, I hope! While I’m choosing to enjoy these next two days basking in the glow of a perfectly good year, I know some folks want to jump right into their 2014 resolutions […]

How To Get Out of Bed

How To Get Out of Bed

No, this is not a post about how to fill your day with glorious things that makes you want to bound out of the sheets and tackle the challenges head on. This is a post about how hard it is to get out of bed when you’re carrying a 12 […]

What I Wore In Month Five of Pregnancy

What I Wore In Month Five of Pregnancy

I am a walking cliché. Go ahead and make fun of me, because I’m definitely pointing a finger back at myself. Guess what – if you don’t weigh yourself everyday, you might just think you’re pretty. BREAKING NEWS!!!! Duh. I should have had Randy hide the scale earlier on in […]

How To Do Pilates While Pregnant

How To Do Pilates While Pregnant

***This continues a series of posts where I’m going to tell you what has worked for me during my pregnancy. I am not a doctor. I do not play one on TV. I don’t think I even played doctor much as a kid. (I was more the ballerina or veterinarian […]

Grateful For Things That Make Me Go “MMMMM”

Grateful For Things That Make Me Go “MMMMM”

In this month’s edition of “Grateful For”, I celebrate the best part about fall. It’s time to get comfortable! To snuggle. To get out of the swimsuits and wedding-going attire and into the big sweatshirts and under fluffy blankets.This go ’round, I’m especially grateful for other things that make this […]