

Checking In

Its Saturday morning here in Florence and Im writing this from an internet cafe, so it will be very short. Everything is still fantastic. We saw more than we expected here in Florence and did a day trip yesterday into Tuscany. Going to Venice on the noon train. Then off to France tomorrow night. Ah, […]

Deep Thoughts, Inspiration, Travel

O’Rally Report

(First, some housekeeping… Looks like the Couer d’Alene nightlife report isn’t going to happen. I wanted to write it from the perspective of current pop music lyrics and the top eight at 8:00 has already changed. Needless to say that it was very interesting and we had no problem getting slizzard. Next, for the report on […]


Idaho: No (Small) Potatoes

(This review of my trip to Idaho is partly for my notes for our 2010 Fall Meeting, partly my report back to anyone who reads this (cough, Amber, cough), and partly to see how many times I can write “pleasant surprise” in one post.) So I left last Wednesday afternoon around 6 pm. Anyone who […]