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Moral of the Story

I’m taking a few minutes of my lunch break to do a quick post regarding the movie “Julie & Julia“. The movie itself was just this side of painful. Good: FOOD. Bad: the laughable scenary which tried to make Meryl Streep look like the large Child. Ugly: Child’s voice was never endearing when she spoke. […]


Here I Am, An Only Child*

So my mom has a story to tell. Perhaps she’s called to tell you. If not, well, it’s not my story even if I have played a minor (not supporting!) role. That will be a post some other time. But the reason I bring it up is because I am on my way back to […]

Food and Recipes, I Love A Challenge

Food For Thought

Last week Randy and I hit up P.F. Chang’s before heading to a 7:30 show of Up in the Air. We paid the bill at 7:40. Doh! So instead of rollicking entertainment, we went home and rented Food, Inc. from cable. Wow. What a thought-provoker. For the four of you out there that have not […]