Dear Mr. King et al., Years and years from now, when I am on my death bed, I will rue the day I stumbled into that ad on Amazon Prime. You know the one. The one with the handsome Barbie doing his handsome Barbie stare of frustration that intrigued me into watching your program. It […]
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My Five Favorite Cookbooks of All Time
My cookbook collection is one of the things I am most proud of. I pick up a new cookbook every time I travel or am so moved. Just like regular books, I typically borrow from the library before purchasing. My rule is there has to be at least four recipes I would make again before […]
Braise Cooking School Week 4 – Should You Throw Away Your Cookbooks?
I’ve been struggling with what to write about following last week’s class on meat and seafood. Mostly, I feel I can’t just write out a description of what went down because here’s a newsflash, stewed beef and fish guts aren’t that pretty. I have some pictures I will share with you, but feel like that can’t […]
One More Check-In On My Three Words
All of the “go get ’em, Small Business Owner!” blogs that I follow are harping on the fact that THE YEAR IS ALMOST OVER! GOALS MUST BE ACHIEVED NOW! I’m not one to consider three months down to the wire, but these posts did make me think about where I am so far in 2014. Overall, […]
Could You Eat Like This?
Do you plan your meals for the week? The month? The day? I try to plan out dinner for the week when I sit down to review the week’s schedule on Sunday afternoon. I would say this happens 60% of the time, but, particularly during CSA time, I don’t get any further than Tuesday, the […]