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Making Herb Couli at Braise Cooking School
Cooking School

Braise Cooking School Week 3 – Getting Saucy

If my mom were still around, she would call this week’s class the “garp up the plate” class. You know all those delicate drops and fancy brushstrokes you see on the plates of white tablecloth restaurants and the final scenes of PBS-type cooking shows? Yep, that’s what we learned about this week and it was ah-maz-ing. […]

2001 Opening for SC Football

Here’s a Health, Carolina, Forever To Thee

Now that we got all the morose stuff out of the way, let’s talk about all the reasons that South Carolina is awesome. Football I suppose this is how Packer fans feel about their games here, but nothing, I mean NOTHING can compare to a SEC football game in my opinion. I know I am […]

Vacation in Charleston
Deep Thoughts

Deep Thoughts From The Window Seat

Only I could do this. Yes, only I could spend nine days in my adopted homeland, surrounded by all the people, places, things and weather that I love (except palmetto bugs… I will never love palmetto bugs) and spend way too much of that time thinking deep and often sad thoughts. A normal 34-year-old would […]