Since February we have gone through a lot of diapers, frozen dinners, mid-day naps, midnight feedings, a couple pacificers, and a whole pile of clothes that no longer fit (neither me nor Mal.) It’s been a whirlwind of a ride to say the least! I know Eggroll weighs more than she did at birth. In […]
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Poll: What Do You Want To Learn?
Next month, we’re going back to school! Yes I’m going to culinary school, but you might be going to gardening school, getting your masters degree, or finding your place in your child’s PTA. I’m all about any reason to buy new notebooks and pens! Even without a formal plan, I’m a big believer in lifelong […]
Photos of Eggroll – Month Six
Hi friends! Eggroll here. Mom took a bunch of pictures during the month when we were out and about doing interesting things. You may have seen them on Instagram or Facebook. When she was getting ready to put this post together, she realized all the pictures came from a mini photoshoot she did one night after […]
This Food Nerd Is Going Back To School
It’s time. Yes, it’s time for my next food related challenge. This clean eating thing has been eye opening to say the least, but I am excited to add some things back into my diet. Actually, the clean eating challenge taught me how to ADD more variety to my shopping cart vs. take away. I now […]
What I’m Reading: The Bonne Femme Cookbook
A couple of months ago, I got it stuck in my head that Eggroll should eat the way French kids eat, meaning only at the table for no more than four sessions a day (breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner), at least a couple of which would include anything that Randy and I were eating. Unobtainable in […]