It is COLD here in Milwaukee this week. In case you’re trying to keep the furnace off like I am, here are three videos of Eggroll that will warm the cockles of your little heart. (P.S. What are cockles anyway?) Miss Eggroll has found her feet, her voice, and her puppy dog within the last […]
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Four Teaching Updates and One Personal One
I am officially back in the swing of things when it comes to my job at the Wisconsin Athletic Club. I may not be able to do a pilates teaser myself yet, but that doesn’t mean I can’t teach you how! Here are some updates to my training schedule. Work One-on-One With Me FOR FREE! […]
On The Importance of Dating Your Husband
Randy gets home from work around 5. He starts Eggroll’s going-to-bed process at 8:30. On Tuesdays, I teach at 6:45. On Wednesdays, he has softball at 6. On Thursdays, he has volleyball some time during the evening. Needless to say, we don’t see each other much during the week. When we do see each other […]
To The Gentleman on Calumet Road…
Dear Sir, If I happen to be on time to my 8:30 zumba class on Monday mornings, I get stopped by the mid-sized, yellow school bus that picks up your son. Twice now this has happened. The first time you were in full suit and tie. This week you were in workout attire. Perhaps you […]
Three Splurges Every New Mom Should Make
When I said you don’t need much for a new baby I hope you didn’t think that I didn’t want you to treat yo’self! Girlfriend (and/or boyfriend), you are in for a world of hurt change, so you might as well buy yourself and the adorable little noise-maker some fancy things, too. Here are three things I think […]