Recently, a good friend, Meghan Arnold, questioned the #100happyday hashtag on Facebook. “I don’t understand hashtags like “100 days of happy.” First, shouldn’t you make the goal of every day to be happy? Second, can’t we, as a society, recognize that it is okay to have other emotions too? It’s okay to be sad or frustrated […]
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Skinny Chocolate Chip Cookies – Oatmeal and Applesauce
My name is Maggie and I am a chocoholic who is bound to bring you a new chocolate cookie recipe at least once a quarter. This is not a joke. I seriously don’t think I can stop at this point. I don’t think I have to though as long as I have recipes like this […]
We Won a Liebster Award!
This is cool! Truly, Margaret Mary has been nominated for a Liebster Blog Award, Version 3.0 by Sun of Eat. Host. Run. Style. Thank you Sun!! For those of you not familiar with the award, it’s an online award that is given to bloggers from other bloggers. It’s meant to help generate attention for new and […]
Five Reasons You Should Join Me For Barre Burner Class
I’m back! Seriously, I am ALL back. Somehow I’ve lost a lot of the weight around my belly, but my hips and bum still think they are supporting a pregnant waistline. That’s the only explanation for all the leftover weight hanging out there. My chocolate intake and never-ending supply of protein bars couldn’t possibly be […]
Did You Win The Target Contest??
Thank you to all that entered my 300th blog post contest for the Target gift card. Sounds like everyone has great ways to spend it. Who knew your comments would be a learning exercise; my shopping list is much longer for next time thanks to you. I’m definitely going in for the Cherokee girls’ camis (on […]