I have been watching a lot of TV as of late. When Randy isn’t around, its West Wing all the way, but every now and then something else sneaks into the mix. Here are some thoughts from my last week’s viewing. 1. Watched a Property Brothers this weekend where two (less robotically handsome than the […]
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Why I’m Frozen In Place
Yes, I have been giving you a song and dance about why I can’t stay at home indefinitely with Eggroll, but this week I’m stuck. I can’t seem to get anything done, professional or otherwise. Why? Well, because this (click on the pictures for videos): Turned into this: Oh my gosh. That coo. I’m going […]
Work – How It Affected My Relationship With Mom
Editors Note: I originally wrote this post over the weekend. I’ve thought a lot about it since and well, unlike what I say in the first paragraph, this is still selfish. Possibly even more so than the last one. Alas, it’s Thursday and I need to put a post up. This one is pretty much […]
300th Post Deserves a Contest – Win a Target Giftcard
Boy, I sure picked a dicey subject to tackle for my last post, huh? I loved the conversation that surrounded my thoughts that being a stay at home mom can be bad for your health. I still stand by this theory, but you’ll notice I changed “is” to “can be”. Those that responded made me […]
Why Being a Stay At Home Mom is Bad for Your Health*
*Caveat 1: Randy told me it’s too early for me to form this opinion. I was ready to agree until my doctor told me the urge to throw your kids against the wall doesn’t go away as they get older when I questioned the existence of not postpartum depression, but “my boobs hurt and the […]