The Nouveau Beach wedding bouquet is made up entirely of handmade “hibicus” flowers made from square beads and goose feathers. We finish the bouquet with a collar of “mum” flowers, using two different ribbon colors and a row white marabou feathers.
Tag: feather wedding bouquets
Rocker Barbie
The Rocker Barbie bouquet is made up entirely of handmade “peony” flowers using bright fabric and slate beads. The bouquet has a collar of black feathers and satin ribbon, making it perfect for the bride looking for a little fun.
The Original
This bouquet was my original design, which includes “rose” fabric flowers, with tulle, lace, ribbon, feathers and bead-work as accents. The fabrics used include satin and organza. This piece can be replicated in any color palette, but I would recommend a rich, one-colored fabric (vs. multi-colored patterns).