Hey guys! As you can imagine, I am riding the Gratitude Train at a high-speed clip these days. Knock on wood, but life is working in my favor at the moment. That makes it pretty darn easy to be grateful. But life isn’t always pretty, making this week’s Yoga Off the Mat lesson pretty quick – […]
Tag: meditation
Yoga Off the Mat: Stay Focused By Staying in Bed
During the week, my husband’s alarm goes off at 6am. Mine doesn’t ding until 6:50. 50% of the time I have NO problem enjoying that extra almost-hour. Other mornings I’m more awake than he is when his bell goes off. Call it nerves, anticipation, or just plain ole’ monkey mind, but my brain is off […]
Yoga Off the Mat – Taking Time To Reflect
Do you have to work today? Bummer. I used to hate having to come in on those days between the holidays because I used up all my vacation time earlier in the year. No one else was there. No work could get done. Couldn’t they just close the whole shop down for this week?! Then […]
Let It Go – How Yoga Keeps Me From Being A Grumpy Old Lady
I woke up this morning when Randy’s alarm went off and was immediately fired up. Why the rage and not the normal roll-over-and-go-back-to-sleep? Oh, that’s right. I was still pissy about the kids that wrecked my trick or treating. Let me explain. Trick-or-treating was from 2 – 4 pm Sunday in our neck of the […]
Meditate on Chocolate? Don’t Mind If I Do.
I already had this meditation planned for my class this week, but after Monday’s news events, it seemed all the more fitting. I thought I could share this introduction to meditation with all y’all, too. Any reason to eat chocolate for health is a good one, right?