Dan Polley

Guest Blogger – 3 Words for 2014

Good morning! I’m so excited to welcome my first guest blogger of 2014, Dan Polley of Mansquees from Polleydan fame, to the stage today. To get our 2014 kicked off right, Dan explains how he sets his intentions for the year.

Three words. Who knew it could be that simple?!


Dan PolleyEach year, in the footsteps of Chris Brogan, I pick out three words that will help define my life and my year. It’s a way to frame your year without setting goals, which a lot of people are likely to break. 

With 3 Words, however, you can easily put in a framework for your year. (You can find my 3 Words for 2013 here.)

Here are my 3 Words for 2014.


In 2013 I faced quite possibly the most difficult year I had ever faced. My dad died, three family members had back surgery, one had a heart attack, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak.

Retroactively looking at 2013, my word of the year was stress. There was so much of it, and it was in every facet of my life. And that’s what I want to avoid this year.

So in 2014 I am going to stay positive, to try to let the stress roll of my back instead of get congested in my body. Too often in 2013 I let the stress negatively affect me, and that’s not good for me or for those around me. This year I must remember to stay positive.


Three Words for 2014

In 2013, I had a great year on the bike, one of my favorite ways to spend a summer afternoon. I rode more than 1,500 miles, the most in one year for me. I also had several other records, like riding my first century (100 miles in a day), most consecutive months with 100 miles, most consecutive months with 200 miles and more.

In 2014, I want to continue to progress on the bike, riding as often as I can. I want to complete the Dairyland Dare bike race and do some longer rides.

I also want to get in better shape. I don’t have a specific goal other than to lose a few pounds in my midsection. But I do want to eliminate snacks and soda after 10 p.m. Other measures I plan to take are eating salads for lunch more frequently and drinking more water.


There are a lot of projects that I’ve had bandying about in my head in recent years. I want to make 2014 the year some of these come to life.

And this word also encompasses any projects that I might think of along the way or other projects or opportunities that come my way.

Either way, I want to put an emphasis on them, and set about to complete some or all and progress on others.

Those three words — Positive, Body, Projects — are how I am going to try to frame my 2014 year. I think I can do that, and achieve some of the goals that go along with them. And I’m looking forward to the challenge.

My previous 3 Words:
2013: Pursuit, Commitment, Create
2012: Passion, Challenge, Connect

About the Guest Blogger

Polleydan (birth name Dan Polley) shares his #mansquees thoughts about social media, self-help, business and more published every week on Mondays. So be sure to grab some coffee, swing on by and you can chat about a new topic.

Call for Guest Bloggers

I would love to feature others striving for the real good life here on the blog while I enjoy my time with Eggroll. If you’re interested in writing, check out these details and contact me.


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