Hey guys and gals! I can’t believe it, but little Miss Eggroll is already a month old. Man, does time fly. I suppose if we’re already thirty days into the little lady’s life, it’s time for me to showcase her. So showcase, I will… IT’S EGGROLL WEEK!!! Miss Malorie Nicole came on the scene at […]
Grateful For
Guest Blogger – Gratitude Comes in Many Forms
Shelby, our chef from yesterday, not only has great recipes, but also has a good philosophy on gratitude. When asked what gratitude means to her, this is what she had to say. ________________________________________________________ I have learned that gratitude doesn’t always come in a pretty wrapped bow and certainly doesn’t come when you are expecting it. […]
Guest Blogger Martha Chooses to Be Grateful
This month we’re talking gratitude. Sometimes it’s easy to be grateful, sometimes not so much. Today’s guest blogger, Martha Manske, reminds us it is our choice to be grateful, even in the middle of a not-great scenario. __________________________________________________________________ I was at one of my events a couple of weekends back. I’m a small business owner […]
Grateful For The Homestretch
We are getting down to the wire, folks! Eggroll should be here any minute. I am so very grateful for a few things that have kept me sane over these last few weeks of pregnancy. Lara Dutta’s Prenatal Yoga This 28-minute practice is just what the doctor ordered when it comes to the achy third-trimester […]
Grateful for Time With My Men
Pretty soon we’ll even up the male vs. female teams around these parts, but before we do, I’m really glad we had a good Christmas break to enjoy being just the three of us. Randy was off of work for most of the time between Christmas and New Years so we did a lot of […]