Ok, friends, you caught me. I’m kind of phoning it in this morning, but that’s because I’m passed my due date and so uncomfortable I’m not leaving my bed. I’m dealing with some wicked back pain which is an issue we all have from time to time. To help us all, I’ve collected four great […]
Yoga Off The Mat Series
Yoga Off the Mat – Lessons From The Younger You
Since I have such a fondness of contemplating life (every. damn. corner. of. it.), it shouldn’t surprise anyone that in these last final moments before Eggroll makes her appearance, I am thinking about my current place in time. I’m 33 years old. That’s not old, but it sure isn’t 22. I have a mortgage (actually […]
Yoga Off the Mat – Treat Yourself
How are those New Year’s resolutions working for you guys? This is just about the time (three weeks in…) where I start to lose steam and make alterations to the original plan. Exercising 3 times a week for 75 minutes is just as good as 5 times a week for an hour, right? As long […]
Yoga Off the Mat: Change One Thing
Today’s Yoga Off the Mat lesson is a simple one. I want you to change one thing. You pick the thing. You decide if it’s a different thing every day or a new way of living from here on out. Perhaps today is the day you start smiling at strangers. Or purchase organic milk vs. […]
Yoga Off the Mat: Stay Focused By Staying in Bed
During the week, my husband’s alarm goes off at 6am. Mine doesn’t ding until 6:50. 50% of the time I have NO problem enjoying that extra almost-hour. Other mornings I’m more awake than he is when his bell goes off. Call it nerves, anticipation, or just plain ole’ monkey mind, but my brain is off […]