Deep Thoughts

It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

It’s The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! With the grass that needs cutting And dishing the tasty noms that go great with beer It’s the most yummiest time of the year! It’s the hap, happiest season of all With those cool breezes blowing and nothing worth going When nap time comes to call It’s the hap, happiest […]

#KidsLiveWell Offers Healthy Kids Menus

#KidsLiveWell Offers Healthy Kids Menus

One of my angsts about parenting in a semi-organic fashion is the dreaded children’s menu at restaurants. Grilled cheese, chicken fingers, mac and cheese, cheese pizza. Cheese, cheese, cheese…Yawn. Who cares about the lack of vegetables, let’s talk about flavor! Why do folks assume kids will only like the bland “yellow food […]

Step 1: First, Fix Yourself

Step 1: First, Fix Yourself

When one is raised in a long line of addicts, one comes to recognize the symptoms. All you think about is The Thing. You daydream about The Thing. You talk about The Thing. You get all stabby when denied The Thing. Your life revolves around The Thing. You push out […]

Three Guest Bloggers And Their Gratitude

Three Guest Bloggers And Their Gratitude

Since we’re big on the gratitude this week, I thought it would be a good time for an encore from three of the fabulous guest bloggers we hosted earlier this year who each gave their take on the topic. Martha taught us that it is our choice to be grateful. “But really being […]

Gratitude Journal Workbook Now Available!

Gratitude Journal Workbook Now Available!

Yesterday, I hinted at all the things I have to be grateful for even in the face of a tragedy. They are numerous! I bet you have special things in your life that are easy to name, but what makes you happy on your standard, average Tuesday? Remember, here at […]