It has been a week since I’ve put up a post, but I feel like I’m in-between writing-worthy events. I’m not gonna lie…this weekend was a hard one. I actually think it was harder for me than the funeral service in Texas. People keep saying this service was really nice, but I was in such […]
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So It Is Going To Be That Kind of Weekend
Here’s what I bought at the grocery store last night:This was BEFORE I found a Noah “accident” on the one (6X4) rug in my house, mom’s plane was an hour late, and none of us slept all night. My Lean Cuisine was NOT one I’d recommend, so I’m going to go get a bag of […]
Your Emergency Broadcast System
Hey kiddies, its time for the afterschool special, public service announcement. I’m sure you’ve heard by now that mom only found dad by calling around to different police departments. This is uncool by any means, but even harder to wrap our heads around was the fact that dad kept phone numbers (and thinly-veiled social security […]
When Do We Go To Recess?
Whoa, doggies. In honor of this blog’s title, this weekend was totally about not playing grown-up anymore. It started off with a wonderful glass of wine and $20 dinner with my grown-up friends at Kil@wat restaurant. Then Saturday, I worked on the garden and the hair (got to cover the newly formed grays), before another […]
The Boots Should Have Tipped Me Off
You know how I said dad made the point to wait to leave until mom had her aunt Judy by her side? Well, I think he made sure Magical James (MJ from here on out) was there for me. He knew having my friends with me would be all well and good, but nothing would […]