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One Bad Yogi
Healthy Living

One Bad Yogi Is One Great Teacher

I try and I try to do yoga at home by myself. There is plenty of space and I know all the sequences, right? True, but that does not take into effect the piles of laundry that attract my Shiny Object radar, nor the fact that I always slack when I’m working out alone. Enter […]

Ways to Use Zucchini
Food and Recipes

What To Do With Extra Zucchini

How did your zucchini plants do this summer? I had a plant take over the whole garden. Oops. I do that every year. At least this year our CSA hasn’t given us a ton, too. If life hands you zucchinis (zucchin-I?) don’t make zucchiniade. Instead just wash your pile, shred it all and freeze in […]