If these last three years have taught me anything, it is that starting your own business is more work than you think. Double the amount of time, money and dedication you think it will take. Then double it again. That might come close. There are a biggilion and one reasons why I love this lifestyle, […]
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Simple Bruschetta Recipe With Secret Ingredient
Ok, I know. This is barely a recipe. Or if you want to call it a recipe, it’s one that’s been done a thousand times before. But please read on anyway! The secret ingredient of balsamic vinegar on this bruschetta recipe makes it worth it.
Three Postnatal Yoga Poses for New Moms
The September/October class session at the WAC has one more try-it week and then officially starts next Monday. This session marks my foray into all things yoga + mom. I’m doing my Yogalates for New Mommies class again on Mondays at 10:30 am and teaching a prenatal yoga class on Thursday nights at 6 pm, both […]
Greek Yogurt in Three Acts
Today’s real post isn’t going to be out until later this afternoon, so I thought I’d leave you this little nugget about Greek yogurt. We know we are suppose to eat it. It’s healthy. It’s creamy. It plays well with other flavors. But every now and then you get a little lick of plain yogurt […]
The iPhone Selfie Hack You Won’t Believe You Didn’t Know
Happy Labor Day American friends and good Monday to everyone else! We are officially in my Back to School themed month where I help you learn something new everyday. Today is an easy one since it’s a holiday. Ready to have your mind blown? You can use either of the volume buttons on the side […]