Again in the spirit of not taking ourselves too seriously during August, I need to remember to not take my toiletries so seriously. That may not make sense to dudes (or anyone who’s not as OCD as I am), but I can get a bit uppity about my make-up, hair products, et. al. I do […]
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Lightening Up In All Sense of the Term
Whew! It has been all together much too serious up in these parts. I think we all missed the memo that it’s summer with all of this talk of wills, awareness, and general humdrums. Summer is the time for fun, frivolity, and wasting time on silly stuff! Speaking of wasting time and the need to infuse […]
Time to Fish or Cut Bait
*** “You’re welcome” to all of my readers with delicate sensibilities. We all know what I really wanted to entitle this post. *** Over the last couple of weeks, you collected information about your eating habits, sleeping habits, interactions with friends – whatever it was you wanted to track. What did you find out? Me? Turns out […]
What Do You Miss About My Dad?
Whew. This week has been a roller-coaster. High highs, low lows and a moment where I decided my sophomore album will be entitled “Let’s Go Be Grown-Ups”. Blech. (In case you were wondering, my first album will be self-titled, “82 and Sunny”.) One of the week’s fun activities (no, seriously!) was an interview I did […]
My Little Devil Child
Each day brings us some new thing Eggroll is doing, saying, or getting into. She’s growing so fast I’ve already forgotten that she hasn’t been sitting up or making eye contact with me whenever I come into a room from day one. I’m afraid we are only a couple weeks away from crawling as she has […]