Time to shut it down, folks! Here in America, it’s the Fourth of July weekend. Go to the beach. Have a picnic. Take in a little American history. Light some fireworks. Share a beer with friends. Go for a bike ride with your son. This weekend calls for an electronics hiatus. Take the pictures if […]
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Fun Stuff for the Fourth of July
I sometimes think I like the Fourth of July more than Christmas. If it weren’t for presents, I think it would be a draw. The Fourth of July wins based on weather, location (outside vs. in), and dessert. Fact: brownies always beat out pie. Here are a few things I need to make it a […]
This Will Not Be The Year…
My dad had the same New Year’s resolution for the last five to ten years of his life. That year would not be the year he started making old man noises as he sat down. Yep, you can hear the noises now, can’t you? Best I could tell, he managed to keep that all the […]
10 Things To Do This Summer
This post on Cupcakes & Cashmere got me thinking. What do I want to do this summer? So often the warm weather months pass by in a blur of wasted nice days and A/C-cooled nights. Come the first cold day in September, I’m often bummed that I never got around to a whole host of things. Here […]
Five More Things You Won’t Regret Plus Five You Will
Last week the morning radio hosts I listen to talked about this article from Buzzfeed which suggests 27 things you won’t regret when you get older. I agree with almost all of them. The only one I take an exception to is # 7, but that’s because I was one of the few people who had […]