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Maggie's Perfect Job, The Search Continues

The Crappy Boyfriend Situation

Editors Note: My dad had a theory – everything in life can be boiled down to “no boyfriends or two boyfriends.” This is my addendum: a crappy boyfriend sometimes feels better than no boyfriend at all.  A while back I had a boyfriend who I thought was the real deal. It started off kind of […]

Jon Hamm Yoga Smile
Deep Thoughts

Another Mad Men Finale Review

By now, if you care, you have read no less than 30 recaps of Sunday night’s Mad Men finale. Here is one more to add to the pile. This show has captured my heart and mind for the past eight (!!) years. I have been fascinated by the writing and the attention to detail. Not […]

Anodyne Coffee and Merch at the Milwaukee Public Market
Milwaukee, Motherhood

Mother’s Day In Photos

I was told we could do whatever I wanted on Mother’s Day. Here’s what that looked like. Thank you Eggroll and Randy for another great Sunday. I love our adventure days! And weekend naps… God, that is one cute kid. Happy belated Mother’s Day to all my mama friends! Y’all are the best.