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Merry Christmas from the family!
Deep Thoughts

A Video To Set the Mood This Christmas Eve

I went to college in the south. During that time, I learned to appreciate Nascar. Sweet tea. Pearls. Busch lite. Country music. Classic rock. Classic rock country music. I came of age surrounded by the best – Led Zeppelin, Alabama, Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson. I came home at the holidays to crazy amounts of family mixed […]

Easy holiday appetizer recipe
Food and Recipes

Cranberry Jam Two Ways

It was ’round about this time last week, when I finished taking pictures for these recipes in my new “office” (i.e. the kitchen at Angelic) when I realized that life is pretty unbelievable sometimes. Here I was getting paid to create recipes and share my delicious ideas with the world. Life is rough sometimes. This […]