Tag: breakfast

Easy holiday appetizer recipe
Food and Recipes

Cranberry Jam Two Ways

It was ’round about this time last week, when I finished taking pictures for these recipes in my new “office” (i.e. the kitchen at Angelic) when I realized that life is pretty unbelievable sometimes. Here I was getting paid to create recipes and share my delicious ideas with the world. Life is rough sometimes. This […]

Beef Fondue is a Holiday Tradition
Deep Thoughts, Food and Recipes, House, Life Hacks, Stuff Grown-ups Like

Holiday Traditions – New, Old, and Nonexistent

Last week I promised you a recap of my Thanksgiving traditions in all of their finery. But then Thanksgiving weekend actually happened. It was too cold and Randy too sick, so we didn’t go for a Thanksgiving morning walk like we did last year. Instead, I watched the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade and cried through the […]

Deep Thoughts, Grateful For

Grateful For…Lazy Saturdays

This past Saturday found us without anything specific to do. Sure, the house list is still a mile long, but we didn’t have any contractor deadlines to meet or dates with friends to attend. I did have the wedding show on Sunday, so we knew Saturday would be a low-key day (and hopefully, Randy would […]