Folks, I have gone from 0 to 60 in a matter of a few sleeps. Or rather, 25 to 60 since I wasn’t totally coasting before. (Fact: I was pretty much coasting before.) Somehow I’ve gone from one super part-time job and a for-fun blog […]
Author: Maggie
Three Workouts For When You Are Stuck Inside
Ok, I get it. Unless I was writing this from Buffalo, NY, I really shouldn’t be allowed to complain about the weather, but I’ve never let rules stop me before. It’s officially cold and snowy here in Milwaukee, leaving me feeling like a hermit again. […]
Braise Culinary School Graduation Dinner
What an experience. That sums up all I have to say about this past Sunday when we, Braise Culinary School students, took over the restaurant’s kitchen and cooked for our friends and family. We had our hands in everything from the piles and piles of […]
Photos of Nine Month Old Eggroll
You guys, today was a big day for both of us. Miss Eggroll had her first day of school today. I’m afraid that just like I made Noah scared of the vet, my anxiety was transferred to Malorie. She normally loves all people, but when I […]
Grateful for Things Besides Food
I’ve been a little food-centric this week on the blog and well, everywhere in my life, so today brings a bonus post where I bring back the “Grateful For” series to find things that don’t relate to food, babies, blogging, or zumba class that still […]