Month: April 2012

Vendor Review: Lisa Mathewson Photography

Vendor Review: Lisa Mathewson Photography

I was so fortunate to work with Lisa Mathewson Photography for my recent photo shoot for Mark the Occasion Design’s wedding portfolio, but it happened almost by fate. I actually went to high school with Lisa and caught up with her via Facebook. I was trying to figure out if I could […]

It’s Prom Time!

It’s Prom Time!

Can you believe it? It’s time to start thinking about prom dresses already. You or your daughter may already have the dress, but do you have the accessories? 

32 Birthday Party Themes

32 Birthday Party Themes

Happy birthday to me!! I’ve had great birthday parties in my life. There was the circus-themed gathering when I was 5 when I was introduced to the gloriousness that is Coca-Cola through a Red Vine licorice straw. (Seriously, try it!) A couple years ago, I did a Mad Men-themed dinner […]