One More Check-In On My Three Words

All of the “go get ’em, Small Business Owner!” blogs that I follow are harping on the fact that THE YEAR IS ALMOST OVER! GOALS MUST BE ACHIEVED NOW! I’m not one to consider three months down to the wire, but these posts did make me think about where I am so far in 2014. Overall, I’ve got to say, I’m pretty happy with life. I’ve had a few detours in my plan, but for not knowing what life would be like with a baby, I think I stayed relatively true to my course. Instead of boring y’all with the whole strategic plan again, let me take you on a quick tour through my three words.


Breaking news – I like being a teacher! OK, this is no longer a surprise to anyone reading the blog, but it continues to be a surprise for me. I know my strengths though. I tried my hand at Barre and realized that’s just not for me. Nor are the kick-your-ass level nor Silver Sneakers yoga classes. I belong at the front of a level 1/2 and/or prenatal classroom. Much more my speed.

The Yogalates for New Mommies class never took off, but I have gained a couple personal training clients from it. I’m still looking for a couple more clients, so let me know if you are interested.

Savasana Pose for New Moms

Speaking of wanting to do more, I am so excited for next week’s Wine, Chocolate and Yoga event. Everyone needs their niche and I think this could be mine. My lesson plan is perfect for someone who wants a little work, but mostly wants a little Me Time and the opportunity to savor their surroundings. Now I just need next week’s session to be successful and to find more places to host. Again, who wants me!?


When not in the classroom, I hope I’m teaching y’all here on the blog. Whether it is learning how to cook, how to eat clean, or how to take selfies in a snap, I hope my ideas and lessons are prompting you to try something new.

Healthy Bruschetta with Balsamic Glaze

In addition to the blog, I’ve started a biweekly email for yoga inspriation. As my class schedule started to get overwhelming, I needed to theme a whole week’s worth of classes at a time. These emails talk further about the themes and provide additional articles to get folks thinking.

(Sidebar: if you are one of my regular subscribers, but not getting this email, please click “update subscription preferences” way at the bottom of your email. Then select “I want it all!” on the next page.)

This one is hard to measure successfully as I think inspiration happens quietly more often than not. I feel pretty good about what I’m putting out there, so I guess that’s something. I still need to do at least one more project under the Truly, Margaret Mary brand to meet my goal. I have a general idea in place (how’s that for being vague??), but I need to sit on it a bit to see if the shininess wears off as time passes before I share with you. Stay tuned!


My professional self has taken a beating this year, but my personal self is doing pretty well, thank you very much! I have really made an effort to “be here now” with Malorie and Randy. We’ve done big things like our SC trip and little things like walks to the park and lunches out. When I try to check out or multi-task, Eggroll knows it. Example – I can’t check my phone while she’s drinking her bottle or she gets sidetracked, too. At first this was frustrating, but now I’m glad I’m forced able to spend that time looking at my baby girl.


She’s not a baby anymore!! The little lady is getting so big and advancing so quickly. I’m happy I’ve kept up with her journal, making notes when she’s learned something new or let her opinion be heard. She’s also getting an earful (eyeful?) about what’s going on in my head right now. I think that will be really interesting for 20-year-old Eggroll to read someday. I wish I had that from my mom.

I still use the gym as my means to get out in public at least once a day. Two baby-related pounds are still hanging around my hips, but I finally feel like me again. I tried on a skirt this morning that hasn’t fit for over a year. Gosh, that felt good. The Braise cooking class is taking up all of my free time, so I haven’t been to a live yoga class in awhile, but I’m still getting through One Bad Yogi’s challenge to keep me with my goal of at least one yoga class per week.

Boone Plantation

We have two babysitters that Eggroll loves, so Randy and I are getting back to date nights. They are mostly on weeknights now, but I guess that doesn’t really matter. It’s not like either of us could hang ’til bar time anyway. Before the trip we hit up a Brewers game on a Monday. We had that great dinner at Blue Marlin while in SC and are thinking about this MKEFoodie Apple Sauced event later on in October. Yah, grown-up time!!

My Favorite Husband

And finally, my life is not complete if not for a good book. I’ve given you a lot of suggestions this year, but here are a few more I’ve caught up on recently:

  • A Paris Apartment – This is a great book! If you’re looking for a breezy read, this is a good one. Perfect for the Francophile in your life.
  • The Lifeboat – YAH! I’ve finally found a book club that will have me. This is our first book.
  • Under the Dome – Yes, the awful series was based on an awful book. I got sucked into the TV show and now just want to know how it ends. This book is a biggilion pages thick and REALLY dark, so at about 300 pages in, I’m really considering just skipping to the end.
  • 100 Days of Real Food – One recipe makes this book worth buying: homemade clean chocolate syrup. It’s the easiest thing you’ll make in your kitchen this week. You probably have the supplies already. I dare you not to eat the whole bowl within 48 hours.
  • Overwhelmed: Work, Love, and Play When No One Has the Time – Ironically, I couldn’t finish this one because the library due date was upon me before I finished my stack of books. I did get far enough in to think this is exactly what I wanted Lean In to be. Ladies, pick it up!

So that’s my year so far. Mostly good with a few little projects to wrap up.

  • Lose two more pounds
  • Go on at least three more date nights
  • Read at least two more books
  • Create one more Truly, Margaret Mary branded product/service
  • Secure one more private yoga client
  • Publish at least three guest posts around the interwebs

How are you doing so far in 2014? Anything need a little kick in the pants before the holidays? Go get ’em, friends!

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