We spend so much time talking about postpartum depression, which is a very serious issue for many women. Somehow I managed to escape it the last time and (knock on wood) hope I miss it again this go ’round. In the meantime, I’m wondering about depression DURING pregnancy.
Introducing Malorie Nicole
Hey guys and gals! I can’t believe it, but little Miss Eggroll is already a month old. Man, does time fly. I suppose if we’re already thirty days into the little lady’s life, it’s time for me to showcase her. So showcase, I will… IT’S […]
Baby Girl Nursery Reveal with DIY Tutorials
Ask and you shall receive! I finally have pictures from Eggroll’s nursery to shall with y’all. *Disclaimer: these pictures were actually taken before Eggroll appeared on the scene. I don’t expect this room to be this clean again until she leaves for college. I promise […]
Yoga Off the Mat – Checking In
Today marks week 10 of my Yoga Off the Mat series and week 8 of the new year’s intentions, goals, etc. This brings us to a great time to check in. How are you doing with your 2014 intentions? We are just two months in, but that […]
What I’m Reading – Parenting Books and Holistic Health Ideas
Yesterday I told you all about the fun books I’m reading. That’s not to say that the books below aren’t fun. They are fun AND educational. Would I read them over and over again? No. But I have made notes in the margins so I […]