Liebster Award

We Won a Liebster Award!

This is cool! Truly, Margaret Mary has been nominated for a Liebster Blog Award, Version 3.0 by Sun of Eat. Host. Run. Style. Thank you Sun!!

Liebster AwardFor those of you not familiar with the award, it’s an online award that is given to bloggers from other bloggers. It’s meant to help generate attention for new and upcoming bloggers, generally those with 200 followers or less.
Here are the rules for participating:
        1. You must link back to the person who nominated you
        2. You must answer the 10 Liebster questions given to you by the nominee before you.
        3. You must pick 10 bloggers to be nominated for the award (with a small following)
        4. You must create 10 questions for your nominees
        5. You must go to your nominees’ blogs and notify them of the award

You’ll find my answers to Sun’s questions below and then see who I picked.

1. What is your favorite type of pie?

You’d expect it to be something fancy, but French Silk pie from Bakers Square (particularly on Free Pie Wednesday) takes the cake. Er… pie.

2. Tell me about your favorite pair of jeans – the ones you’ll wear forever.

Oh gosh, what a delicate subject for me right now. I have no jeans that fit since I’m between maternity jeans and my pre-pregnancy clothes. I did have a pair from American Eagle that were my favorite for like 15 years. I had to finally throw them away because the belt loops started fraying. Seriously wore those pants all of the time!

3. What is your favorite place to eat in MKE?

Yen Ching on the northwest side will always have a special place in my heart, but I’ve never had a meal at Meritage that didn’t leave me singing. That place is delightful!

4. Are you always early or never on time?

NEVER on time. If you want me there on time, you should tell me to be there 15 minutes before then. At least.

5. What’s your favorite workout?

Zumba or a long, sweaty but stretchy yoga class.

6. What type of shoes do you workout/race in?

Saucony Hurricane Shoes reviewI just got a new pair of Saucony Hurricanes. Funny story – I was fitted for these shoes at Performance Running Outfitters and after trying on four pairs picked these, the new version of my old sneakers. I guess I have a type.


7. What is your typical coffee shop order?

Hot chocolate. I’m five.

8. Who is the first person you call when you have good news?

After my husband, probably Nikki #1.

9. What are three words your best friend would use to describe you?

Dedicated, funny, anxious

10. What is one current fashion trend you would like to see disappear?

Skinny jeans. Just like the big bangs of the late ’80s, this is a trend that I just can’t make work for me.

My Favorite Up and Coming Blogs

And with that, I would like to nominate my favorite blogs for the Liebster award! (Disclaimer: I think some of these have (significantly?) more than 200 followers, but they aren’t (yet!) the Style Me Prettys of the world.)

Blissful and Wishful

Mansquees from Polleydan

Smiles n’ Snuggles

Brew to Bay

Atypical Christian Talking Scripture

Maple Hill Foodie

Diary of a Mad Crafter

The Nardiello Family

Burp Blog

Married in Milwaukee

And finally, my questions for you fine folks!

1. At age five, what did you want to be when you grew up?

2. Sweet or salty?

3. What are you going to do when you retire?

4. Mountains or beach?

5. What is your favorite TV show?

6. Horror or comedy?

7. It’s 9pm on a Tuesday. What would you be doing?

8. Music or talk radio?

9. What is your favorite thing about your hometown?

10. Puppies or kittens?

I can’t wait to read y’all’s responses to my questions. Thanks again, Sun for getting this party started!

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