A New Blogging Schedule and Two Brilliant Ideas That Will Happen

Hey guys! I enjoyed the month break from the blog. Well, that’s not true. I felt horribly guilty for not writing and had a million ideas flit through my noggin, but I was relieved not to have to keep up with a schedule. Now, I know no one except for me (or possibly my aunt Karen) expect a new blog post to be up every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoons, but that’s the schedule I told myself to keep. Over this last month I realized that its not like blog income is paying the mortgage, so I can really do what I want.

If I say “write whenever”, that will very quickly turn into “write never”, so I’m going to try a new schedule of once a week on Tuesday afternoons. You might get a bonus post from me every now and then, but once a week should be manageable even with the 14 other shiny objects I keep my hands in at all times. So there’s that.

But on to the two other, brilliant ideas I had while I was away. I would put money on a bet saying that at least one of these things comes true and I don’t get any credit for either. Here we go.

1. Daniel Tosh To Replace Jon Stewart On The Daily Show

I tried and I tried and I tried not to like Tosh, but he’s just too funny. And smart. So it hit me – it’s his dumbass, hurt-the-handicap theme to his show that I really dislike. Put him somewhere else, like his stand-up routine, and he’s witty and on point. From what I’ve picked up on Twitter and the routine, it seems like he’s pretty with it on current events and politics. And if he can interview the guy who had the world’s worst resume with a straight face, certainly he should be able to handle Bill O’Reilly without punching him in the nose.

2. Target Get Liquor License To Host Happy Hour For Tired Moms

If you happen upon a Target at 7:30 pm on a Friday night, you will find cart after cart filled with a women’s dress, a package of men’s t-shirts, Honest Brand diapers, cheapie plastic hangers, one hot pink picture frame, two bottles of nail polish, three bags of Simply Balanced blue corn chips, two holiday-themed home decorations, and a half-empty Starbucks cup. (What you won’t find is the box of tampons the cart pusher came for.) Yep, it is mama’s night out and she’s making the most of it. She strolls through the book section and even spends a half a second thinking about the kids as she sashes past toys. You know the only thing that would make it better? Wine.

If customers were able to purchase an adult beverage from the little fast food restaurant at the front of the store, these mamas would spend even more time and even more money wandering the aisles and taking as much time as she can away from home. Somehow tie it in to the Cartwheel app and you’ll have ladies buying so much stuff they don’t need, it would be insane.

And the most brilliant money-maker. 

What do you think? Will either of these things happen?


  1. I REALLY hope TDS does not use misogynist Tosh.

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