
Easy DIY Toy for Six- to Ten-Month Old Baby

Easy DIY Toy for Six- to Ten-Month Old Baby

This is my first Christmas with Malorie, but if past events with other kiddos are any indication, I know that her favorite gift is not going to be the clothes, the stack of books, or the rocking horse. Nope, it’s probably going to be the box something came in. In […]

Photos of Nine Month Old Eggroll

Photos of Nine Month Old Eggroll

You guys, today was a big day for both of us. Miss Eggroll had her first day of school today. I’m afraid that just like I made Noah scared of the vet, my anxiety was transferred to Malorie. She normally loves all people, but when I put her down this morning […]

Gosh, I love this face.

Eggroll Has Something To Say

You hear from me everyday, so I thought a guest speaker might be interesting. Here, Miss Eggroll shares her thoughts on the ebola epidemic, Cheerios, the upcoming elections, and Memaw. As of last Friday, girlfriend figured out consonants and how to move her jaw to make new sounds. Now we just […]

This little lady and I are doing it our way.

Living It Your Way

I was all set to take another pass at last week’s post’s topic, hopefully a little more eloquently and with a clearer point, but I just got a little sidetracked (again). There are two women in my circles, albeit the far-off, mostly just on Facebook circles, who are facing cancer. […]

Photos of Eggroll - Month Eight

Photos of Eggroll – Month Eight

My dad would often tell me that he liked me even more “at this age”. The older I got, the more we could talk about and the more experiences we could share. In the midst of it, I took some offense to this statement. What was wrong with me at […]