Be Okay With Where You Are from Mama Marchand's Nest

Thinking Thursday – Be Okay

I’m not going to lie. It’s been a struggle trying to get focused on anything recently. With the piles of boxes to unpack on one hand and the beautiful weather on the other, working on any of my three jobs has been less than exciting. I suppose that’s why it’s called work, right?

Since the house situation is almost settled, I’m spending a lot of time thinking about which of these three jobs (Mark the Occasion Designs, writing for this blog and elsewhere, and yoga/Pilates teaching) I want to make a priority. I feel like it would make sense to strike one or two from the task list. Perhaps I’d focus more if there was less to distract me. But the things I want to do pay less. Which is pretty impressive seeing as I’m nowhere close to millionaire (thousandaire?) with any of them.

So today, instead of stressing about it more, I turn to this. Hopefully it works for you, too in a moment of what-if. We’ll all figure it out sooner or later…

Be Okay With Where You Are from Mama Marchand's Nest

Many thanks to Mama Marchand’s Nest for putting this phrase out in the internet.

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