
Train Thoughts - Dog and Husband Edition

Train Thoughts – Dog and Husband Edition

Raise your hand if this long weekend took all the initiative out of you? HAND RAISED! It is summer in my head and all I want to do is play outside, wear flip flops, eat pudding popsĀ and in general, shirk responsibilities. Alas, I am 35, not 3 or 5, so […]

Two Men and a Little Lady

Two Men and a Little Lady

Want to make your heart swoon? Then give your significant other the newborn baby y’all produced and watch him make crazy faces and call said baby “squirmy wormy”. I dare you not to find tears in your eyes. As expected, Randy has been the best dad ever. He was off […]

And took a lot of naps.

Grateful for Time With My Men

Pretty soon we’ll even up the male vs. female teams around these parts, but before we do, I’m really glad we had a good Christmas break to enjoy being just the three of us. Randy was off of work for most of the time between Christmas and New Years so […]