How are those New Year’s resolutions working for you guys?
This is just about the time (three weeks in…) where I start to lose steam and make alterations to the original plan.
Exercising 3 times a week for 75 minutes is just as good as 5 times a week for an hour, right?
As long as I eat all of my fruits and vegetables, it doesn’t matter if I eat chocolate, too…
I’ll promise to go to sleep before 10:30 five days a week. Thinking I could do that every night is just unreasonable…
Don’t give up yet!
Science has proven could take around 60 days to create a habit. If you’ve given yourself some big resolutions, you can’t expect it to stick right off the bat without issue, right?!
For today’s lesson, I am telling you do NOT back down. You can do this.
BUT – give yourself permission to treat yourself without any guilt.

You decide the rules – is this treat once a month (ex. a pedicure even though this year is all about saving money), once a week (ex. two-hour DVR marathon of Kardasians though you’re supposed to be reality-TV free), or once a day (ex. a small square of dark chocolate during the year of healthy eating…)?
Just like resolutions, I’d like you to share your escape with someone who will hold you accountable. Tell someone who will notice when that small square of dark chocolate becomes the king size pack of peanut butter cups and calls you on it. They are allowed to question you if you go beyond your original plans, but remind them that this is no longer a guilty pleasure. It is guilt-free goodness.
You’ve planned for it. You should savor the moment. You will move on and be back on track quickly.
Namaste, friends.