Make Your Day Your Day

When it comes to planning a wedding, you start off thinking about an event that’s perfectly you and him. You’ll just invite your best friends to join you for a barefoot-on-the-beach ceremony in Key West. You could have a courthouse wedding and a Thursday night dinner to save money. Or maybe a Mexican buffet, bright bridesmaid’s dresses, and mariachi band is more your style. The sky is the limit!

And then you talk to your mom. And his mom. And your best friends. And his sisters. And just when you think you couldn’t be guilted any worse – your grandma calls! All of a sudden you may find yourself planning an event which is what “they” expect you to do. Of course you’ll have ivory invitations (E-vite? Not on her watch, young lady!) and a sit-down dinner for 250. How could you even consider not inviting your father’s coworkers? There will be a cake and a gift opening and you will kiss when glasses are clinked!

Or not.

Honey, guess what? It is YOUR day, not their day. (Some would argue it’s not even his day, but I don’t buy into that. You two are partners now, whether you really care to be or not. Remember this when you’re dragged to your first home improvement show.) I give you permission to tell your loved ones “no”. Once they see how you thoughtfully put together the end result, they will understand.  Untraditional is much better than “unpersonal”. Nobody wants to have a forgettable wedding and these days the traditional route can be kind of boring. Remind the naysayers that the only thing that truly matters is that you and the mister end up married at the end of the day. All the rest is just fluff.

And given that it’s fluff, don’t take it so seriously! If you really, really, really like Mexican food, have at it, Tiger. If you met on a motorcycle rally, go ahead and theme out your bouquet. But if your mom wants you to wear her veil… wear it. That hairpiece could become the ticket to hot pink Converse without complaint if you play your cards right.

Moral of the story – don’t sweat the small stuff, sister! And save me an enchilada, ok??

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