22 Bite-Sized Updates From Me

As we all probably expected, I started the year off full-force, writing almost every day. I wish I had the time (and the interesting content) to keep that up, but alas even with everything going on, my life is not that exciting. Since I have left you cold for 22 days (man, time flies…) I thought I’d share that many little pieces of wonderment from my world. I’d love to also hear what’s up with you!

1. We have one room painted in the new house! Yah! It’s my office and the color is Romance. Fitting, no?

2. Speaking of the house, our closing was perfectly awful. If anyone is thinking about financing a house through Wells Fargo, I say run, run fast in the opposite direction. It’s done and the house is ours, so all is not lost, but my lamb, did they FAIL at their job.

3. Noah got to visit his new house this last weekend. He was there for two hours and peed twice in the house (same spot after I cleaned up the first round.) I do believe he has claimed it as “New Noahland”.

4. Over this last month, I’ve had to read the Bhagavad Gita for yoga teacher training. It was hard! I’ve never read our bible, but I imagine the experience to be similar. Not something you can just put down when you’re done.

5. Though we aren’t eating at home much these days (two kitchens = no time in either one), I have discovered some great recipes in recent weeks. This roasted vegetable mac and cheese was my favorite, though Randy said he’d prefer the old fashioned kind with just pasta, cheese, and guilt.

6. We almost have mom’s house sold. Turns out there was some hail damage on the roof, so we are waiting to hear back from the insurance guys before we can move forward with the offer. Holding my breath…

7. I’m up to 2.25 miles running full steam on my quest to the Rock N’ Sole 10k. So far I’ve just added a quarter mile in each time I’ve run. Next week I’m going to try the Hal Higdon training, but that does add in distance a half mile at a time. Wish me luck!

8. I, of course, have started watching HGTV more often. I’m learning some good ideas, but really I just walk away thinking “thank God there aren’t cameras on us.”

9. My birthday was great, if some what quiet. We had an indoor picnic at the new place the weekend before and Randy and I went to Le Reve the day of. Happy birthday to me!

10. I had fun in Chicago earlier this week at a business planning/growth workshop. I’m playing with a tag line of “let your story bloom.” I really like “story”. The rest I’m still working on. Thoughts?

11. On that note, I have few regrets in my life, but one is that I never lived in Chicago. It seems like a young person’s town, so I don’t think a high rise condo in retirement is in the cards. Instead, it’s one more thing I will force upon future kids.

12. I’m teaching my first yoga class at a real yoga studio tonight. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t kind of nervous.

13. I attended a networking event/bridal show thingie a couple weeks ago that showed me how much I hate cold calling, but how I must get over myself and do it. Anyone want to be the sales person for Mark the Occasion Designs?

14. Friends and I went to yoga at the Art Museum this last Saturday. It was amazing. Acoustic music, 200 of my closest friends, and the beautiful architecture of the place made for a very zen couple of hours.

15. Later that same day, I had my first Five Guys burger and fries. It was delightful. (And I am nothing if not all over the map.)

16. All of this rain has me expecting a really pretty May. It should be worth it – that’s my favorite time of year here in Milwaukee.

17. We don’t know when we can move into the new house because of the remodeling work we are doing. This is stressing me out. The planner in me can’t live like this. The yoga teacher in me is trying to take over, but she’s pretty timid.

18. There must be something in the water – everyone’s getting pregnant. Ah, one more reason to cut back on the diet coke and start hydrating myself.

19. I miss writing. I love being here (or actually in my notebook, where I first write all of my posts), sharing thoughts. This is such a good outlet for my crazy busy mind when I make it a priority.

20. I only DVR two shows, but our box somehow remains full. I may becoming one of those people that doesn’t watch TV on TV anymore. #moderndayhippie

21. Confession – I figured out this week that I want Zooey Deschenel (specifically as Summer) to be my target market for MTOD. Is that wrong? I feel like a 12-year-old super fan.

22. I need a new patio table and a couple rugs, but have exhausted my typical outlets. Any suggestions?


  1. #2 Had I known I would have told you to run, run as fast as you possibly can. They are a nightmare to work with both before, during, and after closing. To this day we have not been able to get our loan out of their hands and they are AWFUL. I hope your future experiences with them are much less horrid than mine.

    • My current house mortgage is through them. It’s been ok, but we haven’t been able to refinance. They sent a customer service survey yesterday, to which I answered 1 (on a scale of 1 to 5) on every line and said I “hated” the service. I’ll be curious to see if I get any follow up to that.

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