How did your zucchini plants do this summer? I had a plant take over the whole garden. Oops. I do that every year. At least this year our CSA hasn’t given us a ton, too.
If life hands you zucchinis (zucchin-I?) don’t make zucchiniade. Instead just wash your pile, shred it all and freeze in two-cup, freezer-safe containers.

The shredded zucchini is the perfect addition to spaghetti, sloppy joes, really anywhere you would use ground meat. Either replace some of the meat or just add this in to make an even bigger pot of dinner.
Of course, this means you will also be ready to make zucchini bread. I also use it in my risottos and baked casseroles. It blends in without much flavor, so you get a sneaky health burst even the pickiest eater won’t even notice.
Be sure to thaw the zucchini in a strainer and give it a good squeeze before adding to your recipe. Otherwise that extra water might screw you up.
Bon Apetit!
Szucinis? In the fall when I find the real giants hidden amongst the foliage, I impale them on fence posts and shoot them with my 16 gauge loaded with birdshot. great target practice!
Uncle Pi
Ha! That’s one way to use it up.