It’s Prom Time!

Can you believe it? It’s time to start thinking about prom dresses already. You or your daughter may already have the dress, but do you have the accessories? I was one of the most sentimental teens out there (and that’s saying a lot). I could find meaning in anything! Hence the reason I have three boxes full of movie tickets, football programs, and school schedules. I dried all of my wrist corsages from school dances. When I went away to college, I stuffed the pedals and ribbons into pretty vases to use as decoration in my dorm room.

biker wedding wrist corsageImage how cool it would have been to have one of these fabric wrist corsages that could be saved and maybe even worn again? It would be a great way to show personality and (double bonus) I feel like a boutonniere of fabric and zippers is less girly, and thusly more comfortable for your date to wear.

If you are interested in a Mark the Occasion Designs wrist corsage or boutonniere, please visit my Etsy site. I’d love to be a part of your big day!

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