Weekend Polls: Should Married People Wear Rings?

First, your homework: read this article from one of my favorite blogs, The Frisky. Interesting perspectives, huh?

Anyone who knows me well knows I am the president of the MMSWR Club (that’s the Married Men Should Wear Rings Club for the uninitiated.) As a single person, it bugged me so much to get the courage to go talk to a guy only to find out I was wasting time on someone taken. Or worse – they responded and I had to find out the hard way they were someone else’s catch. Married, I look at a ring as a symbol of our commitment to each other. Our proclamation to the world that, “I am spoken for by someone I love so much that I’m wearing jewelry for the first time!” (Ok, that’s Randy’s statement…I’ve loved wearing my ring from day one and except for working out, sleeping, or showering this puppy is never coming off!)

I don’t buy the “I don’t wear jewelry” excuse, nor the “I lost it and it’s too expensive to replace” reasoning. Randy got a wicked cool ring made out of tungsten carbid  for WAY under $100. This fancy metal looks like pewter (i.e. manly) and can take a beating. And should it someday fling itself into a river, well, we can probably find another $100.

So that’s my opinion… what do you think? I hope someone disagrees with me. I bet there are a bunch of varying opinions on this one.


  1. Agreed! I didn’t realize this was a newer tradition, but this isn’t the 1800’s anymore when everyone over 16 was married. How are we supposed to know? And why aren’t guys proud to show off the commitment they’ve made to a (hopefully) wonderful women?

  2. Only caveat I can see to this – I work in an industrial environment…I don’t wear my ring at work due to the safety risks associated with it (wearing a ring creates a higher hazard of your finger getting caught/amputated/etc. when working in and around machinery).

    My biggest complaint is that my platinum ring got a lot of scratches very quickly and went from shiny to dull, so I’m actually looking to replace it already…may have to look into the tungsten carbide! That said – in a social situation, no problem with wearing it in a social setting!

  3. Ryan, that is one reason I do agree with – I could lose a finger or pick up cooties (health profession) in the workplace. But still, you do put it back on at night…

    If you the least bit serious, check out Overstock.com once you know what you want. Great selection on men’s rings and great prices.

  4. I’m with Ryan. I take it off when I’m doing house projects that would possibly result in me catching it on something. Sometimes I forget then and my wife reminds me. Otherwise, of course wear it. I think Prince William is a special exception. Who wouldn’t know he’s married? But I haven’t seen a reason mentioned for his decision. Has anyone else?

    • Ha! Rufus, I thought that, too…He’s not sneaking up on an unknowing lady. I haven’t seen a reason short of “too cool.” Good question…

  5. The best line I ever got when I called someone out on propositioning me WHILE wearing a wedding ring was “Oh, sometimes my hand gets sweaty and I switch this ring to this finger.”

    Uh, nice try dude.

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