Adult-Onset ADD

I’m spinning and spinning and can’t make the world slow down! I’m going to do this job and that job and write a blog and write a book and master yoga and get cracking at harder cardio. I’m going to make dinner every night and learn to wear lipstick in 2013. I’m going to support my husband as he takes on a new job and get ready to find a new home in the spring. I’m going to battle the folks that are fighting me on mom’s affairs and sell a house that was never mine. I’m going to tackle this pile of magazines and practice meditation for 29 more days per my class homework. I’m going to build out my Etsy stores and start a gratitude journal.

Good Lord, multi-tasking is NOT what it’s cracked up to be. I’m so tired and happy (and then sad and then happy again) about everything that flashes by me. Is this just a function of middle-age? That I can make it through a whole day of challenges only to be brought to my knees when the stupid, fancy-dancy remote won’t work to get me to a DVRed copy of this week’s Gossip Girl?

The piles in the living room just continue to grow, but I’m so distracted by the next thing, I can’t stay there long enough to clean anything up. If I do gaze too long, it ends up making me think about something new.

Being creative is an absolute blessing. It suits my personality much better than a skill of numbers. And yet…it sure makes me feel like I lost.

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