Today’s Yoga Off the Mat lesson is a simple one. I want you to change one thing.
You pick the thing. You decide if it’s a different thing every day or a new way of living from here on out.
Perhaps today is the day you start smiling at strangers.
Or purchase organic milk vs. the regular stuff when you’re next at the grocery store.
Or tell yourself you look good in the mirror vs. staring for too long and finding faults.
To throw away the scale.
Or buy pants that fit.
To take a new route to work.
To try a new class – at the gym, through the rec department, for work…
To first use a neti pot vs. reaching straight for the Sudafed.
To find out what the heck a neti pot is.
To call your mom.
Or send a piece of handwritten mail.
Or tell a coworker “good job”.
To turn off the electronic devices at the dinner table.
Or any time after 9pm.
To try pork belly.
Or a vegan meal.
To not roll your eyes the next time someone tells you they have a gluten allergy.
To wear heels if you always wear flats. Cowboy boots if you’re usually buttoned up in dress shoes.
To donate money to causes you believe in.
To believe in yourself.
“To find out what the heck a neti pot is.”
Man, you are good…
P.S. Congrats Bob for posting the 200th comment on the blog. Your words sum us up nicely…