Date Night at Bosley On Brady in Milwaukee

Train Thoughts – A New Series

Let’s start a new series, shall we? I’ll call it “Train Thoughts”, seeing as that’s how seemingly random and crazy ideas travel through my brain. They say men only think about one thing all day. So do I. That thing is chocolate, right? Let’s see how far I can get before I come back to my favorite topic.

I’m sure it comes as no surprise that I didn’t really stick with my October menu I had planned out, but I did do a good job collecting recipes for November on a Pinterest board. I’m particularly looking forward to this spinach and artichoke quinoa casserole, these sweet potato skins, and this recipe for copycat Chick-fil-A chicken nuggets, seeing as I can’t get in to the new store here in town. You southerners would appreciate this – the line is always 20 cars deep, even at like 3 in the afternoon.

If you are within the first two or three circles of Maggie Friends, then I probably talked your ear off about this new job that I proposed to a company where they seemed excited and ready to hire me. I started investing some energy into potential projects for them and… Two weeks later, they won’t return my communications. Hmpf. This just goes to show you you should never broadcast new jobs, you’re pregnant, and/or you’re seeing a great new dude until you have written confirmation. (Written confirmation for the new dude is the text from your friend post-first meet-up, approving of said gentleman.)

This job was all about social media and internet knowledge, so I guess I can put my quickly learned education to work here on Truly, Margaret Mary. Should I go pictures on Instagram? Witty phrasing on Twitter? Or a little bit of both that sinks quickly into the quicksand that is a Facebook fan page? Any suggestions, friends?

I may sound reasonable about not getting this job (yet). Today I feel pretty objective about the issue, but it has been a LONG two weeks of waiting. Newsflash: I don’t do waiting well. In fact, it’s made me more anxious than normal, which is not fun. I can tell my anxiety is directly tied into my hormones though seeing as the issue ebbs and flows as they days pass, not when things are going my way or not. I know there are drugs out there that can fix this, but I really don’t want to go under that fog again. Instead, I’m thinking about eastern medicine. Has anyone done acupuncture or seen a naturopathic doctor to deal with mental health issues? Would love to hear your feedback.

Date Night at Bosley On Brady in Milwaukee

We saw Gone Girl over the weekend. Like everyone else, I enjoyed the movie but didn’t care for the ending. I don’t think it could have ended any differently though. This seemed more real life this way (if anything about this movie could be real life…)

Trick or Treating Sunday wasn’t as bad. The first kids from other neighborhoods were much more polite (and in costume) then last year. We went for a walk in the middle and the kids that we saw right before 4? Yeh, those were the same kids. I just pretended we were out of candy and shut the door. Only one group rang the bell. Ironically, my attack dog scared them away. (How is a corgi a terrifying creature to anyone??)

Malorie has two adorable costumes for Halloween this Friday. I can’t wait to play dress-up with my baby doll!

My belly is rumbling like I haven’t eaten in days. Guess its time for a meal. I’ve got leftover egg casserole and some toast calling my name.

Golden Brown Frittata with Toast

My friend Kristen suggested scrambling eggs with Greek yogurt instead of milk. Did that for this dish and it was great. Is there nothing Greek yogurt can improve??

This marionberry jam from my friend Eileen is delicious, but I need something sweeter. I think a mini-Snickers (or 4) is calling my name. (What?!? It is candy season after all!)




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