Ciao, my lovelies! Our flights were all on time and customs was ridiculously easy. There were no questions…not even a stamp in our passports. Heck, the border guard in Quebec in March was more inquisitive! Our apartment was easy to find and is so cute! It rained today, but we still had an amazing first […]
Author: Maggie
Leggings Aren’t Pants
There. I’ve said it. Perhaps this is my belief because I’m “blessed” with short, stumpy legs that look horrendous in spandex or perhaps it’s because I’ve seen way too many lady parts in recent days. Anyway, I’m not alone. The good folks at The Frisky have shared a chart to help you ensure you are […]
New Disease Found in Milwaukee: Toonicitis
I’m sure my bus riding commute will provide for a lot of interesting fodder. Here’s your first story. Friday afternoon a middle-aged man got on the bus just north of downtown Milwaukee. The man was in nice, business casual clothes and carrying a briefcase. After he paid his fare, he walked up to the person […]
Roll Tide, Not Tornadoes – Support My Alabama Family
We suspend the regular Weekly Poll to focus our attention on this week’s horrendous tornadoes that rolled through the south, focusing their attention on my second favorite southern location. My most awesome cousins live in this fine state. I consider their friends mine as M’rm once hosted me on campus at Alabama and Matt’s wedding […]
(Still) Sweet Sixteen (Hours)
I have been at the new job for two days so far. I still can’t figure out what I’ll be doing everyday. I’m not sure if this is a good or bad thing, but it’s kept me from seeing any of the bad stuff yet. I don’t have an office with a door any more, […]