When I first told my mom I was getting married, she offered up her dress and veil. Even though she was married in the peak of flowered crowns and puffy shirts, my mom’s dress was beautifully classic. I would have loved to wear it, but when we opened the box, it showed all 37 years […]
Author: Maggie
Weekend Poll: What’s Your Best Cold Remedy?
I know I deserved it. I had 10 hours of sleep between Tuesday and Friday of last week. I drank more soda than water and ate absolutely no vegetation. Still, I was surprised when I woke up sick Tuesday morning. Tuesday night I loaded up with Emergen-C mixed into a big glass of orange juice. […]
The Ugly (Amount of Time Spent on DIY Wedding Projects)
Finally! It’s time to share the unique details from the most magical wedding of the year. I need to make sure this gets out before the royal wedding. Don’t want Kate taking credit for my personal touches. Paper Goods I used one of our engagement pictures, Microsoft Publisher, and Walgreen’s photo lab to put together our […]
Best When Read…
With this or this playing in the background. 🙂 They say starting a new job is one of the most stressful things a person goes through. I disagree on a technicality. It’s not the new job that kills you; it’s the letting go of the old one that’s difficult. If asked, I could provide a […]
Wedding Vendor Reviews: The Bad
While our wedding day was perfect and magical, there were a couple of things that happened that kept it from going 100% smoothly. Randy, the minister, and I all showed up at the church, which is really all that matters, but there are two less-than-stunning vendors that participated in our day. Much to the surprise […]