
Career, Friends

Best When Read…

With this or this playing in the background. 🙂 They say starting a new job is one of the most stressful things a person goes through. I disagree on a technicality. It’s not the new job that kills you; it’s the letting go of the old one that’s difficult. If asked, I could provide a […]

Family, Friends, Stuff Grown-ups Like

View From the Top

I suppose there are certain times in my life when “no longer playing grown-up” is more apropos than others. I’m guessing my wedding day ranks pretty close to the top of that list. I’ve had job interviews and home closings where I felt like a little kid in my mom’s heels and makeup, but when […]

Family, Friends, Inspiration

Well, That Was Cool

So last Friday, Randy and I went to get the marriage license. From the courthouse and back again, we saw maybe 30 people. One of those people was one of Dad’s best friends, there for such a wacky reason that it could only be a sign (and P’s wacky personality) that brought him there at […]