Will I ever learn? Randy has figured out that we really need an in-between day between vacations and getting back to routine. I, on the other hand, would always stretch out vacation until the last possible minute. That’s all well and good, but as a mama that gets me in trouble for the following week. […]
Guest Bloggers
Three Guest Bloggers And Their Gratitude
Since we’re big on the gratitude this week, I thought it would be a good time for an encore from three of the fabulous guest bloggers we hosted earlier this year who each gave their take on the topic. Martha taught us that it is our choice to be grateful. “But really being grateful is a choice. We […]
Guest Blogger Kelly Tames Her Gremlins
Today’s guest blogger, Kelly Andrew, is a new friend I met via a professional networking event, but one I wish I would have discovered earlier. The more I learn about her, the more I think we are long-lost twins since we have so much in common. In this post, Kelly tackles a topic that weighs […]
Guest Blogger Keeps Gratitude and Forgiveness In Her Toolbox
I’m not really sure how I initially stumbled into today’s guest blogger, Karen Gill, but I am so glad life took me that direction. Karen was kind enough to chat with me four or five entrepreneurial ideas ago when I was looking for a commercial kitchen. She has taught me a bunch then and since. […]
Guest Blogger – Gratitude Comes in Many Forms
Shelby, our chef from yesterday, not only has great recipes, but also has a good philosophy on gratitude. When asked what gratitude means to her, this is what she had to say. ________________________________________________________ I have learned that gratitude doesn’t always come in a pretty wrapped bow and certainly doesn’t come when you are expecting it. […]